Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sex Savages On Wheels

The blog I look forward to reading the most lately has to be Sex Savages On Wheels. The author Jen, also the author of Gnarlitude, does a such an awesome job coming up with content. Much of it comes from old mags like Easy Rider and the pics are outstanding. If you're at all interested in vintage bikes, and anything that has to do with them, you should check out this blog. Jen has also has great taste in music and often posts videos along with a whole lotta tits and ass photos, all somehow involved with motorcycles though lol. So if that bother's you at all I wouldn't visit the blog.


Happy Biiiiirrthdaaayyy Toooooooo Meeeeeee!

I realize some of you may find that graphic disturbing but I think it's cute. Anyways, today's the day. The big three five. We are in the middle of packing and trying to get ready to move in a couple weeks so it's going to be a very low key birthday and I'm ok with that. Spending the day with Trouble is really the best birthday gift I could ask for. We may get a cake and rent Toy Story 3 because that'll make him happy which, of course, makes me happy. I know I'm a party animal, don't be jealous. Other than that, I am completely focused on preparing for the move and I can't wait to get the heck out of here. Change is exactly what Trouble and I need. A new city and a fresh start are going to be exactly what we need heading into the new year. I really can't wait. I can feel it in my bones, 2011 is going to be a-maz-ing. You just wait and see!


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Girl Crush-Wendy Bevan

Wendy Bevan is an amazing photographer. Looking at her photos, you can't help but be drawn into her world, smiling all the way. I adore the cheeky,whimsical nature that comes through in most of her work and her use of texture is beyond. How could I not have crush on such a brilliant artist?


There Are Two Mantras, Yum and Yuck. Mine Is Yum.--Tom Robbins

Tomorrow is my birthday. I will be 35 years old. I'm having a difficult time wrapping my head around that one. It doesn't seem that long ago when I was like, whoa, you're 35? Damn, you're old! Now I'm the old one! I know, I know. 35 is nowhere near old but there's no getting around the fact that I am definitely scaring the shit out of 40! Befor I know it I'll be over the hill! Over the freaking hill!! Me? Really? These last 5 years have gone by so fast! Isn't it crazy how time seems to go by faster and faster the older you get? Especially when all you really want is for it to slow down! I am determined to savor every moment of my life from here on out. Ever since Trouble was born I have really been aware of time and how quickly it passes. It's very important to me not to have to look back on his childhood and regret that I missed out on being there with him and watching him grow. Nothing I will ever do in my life is more important than being a good mother or helping my little guy discover this world and become who he will become. Every single day with him is a gift. So maybe I am getting older but life is definitely getting sweeter. If that's what comes with age, then I say bring it on!! Just do it a little bit slower damn it!!


Monday, November 1, 2010

Monday Message

A human being is a part of the whole, called by us "Universe," a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest -- a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this completely, but the striving for such achievement is in itself a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security.

-- Albert Einstein, quoted in H. Eves Mathematical Circles Adieu (Boston 1977)


Sunday, October 31, 2010

Ummmmm.....Yes Please.

I saw this over on gnarlitude, which is a pretty rad blog. You should definitely check it out. They are extra long leggings made by Rick Owens. I LOVE these. LOVE LOVE LOVE! I think I would wear the damn things nearly every day if I had them. Seriously, the possibilities are endless. I do need to say one thing though, that model on the right has a very unfortunate backside. I guess I didn't really NEED to say it but whatever. Also the leggings in question are over $300 smackaroos. No, really. They are. I'm totally serious! I happen to posess some pretty mad sewing skills so I'm gonna have to make myself a pair or four. I think that they will be pretty simple to make, I'm not sure how anyone can justify that price but I suppose it's all for the label. I'll share pics when I make mine!

Have A Great Halloween!!

Watch out for zombies......................................


Vinny Ferraro

Check out this awesome article from Tricycle magazine featuring Vinny Ferraro. Coming from a similar background and childhood, I find Vinny to be an inspiration. I hope to someday be at a place in my recovery and practice to be able to give back like he does. And, you know, he's pretty damn easy on the eyes in my opinion. I'm just sayin'.


Dear 2010

Dear 2010,

No offense, but I'm glad you're almost over.
 I'm not saying that you have been all bad, that's not true.
There were quite a few things that happened this year that I wouldn't trade for anything.
 That being said, I won't be sad when you are gone.
This year has been full of surprise and change.
 We have lived in three different states.
 My newborn has become a toddler and that has been so fun to watch.
 I have learned a lot about myself and what I want out of life.
 There has been much growth and learning but also so much stress and frustration. 
So, 2010, you are wearing out your welcome and it really is time to go.
I'm ready for a new year and new beginnings.
 I wanna open the door for 2011 and plant a big ole sloppy kiss on it.
 Come on in and stay awhile.
 I can't wait to see what you've got in store for us.


Friday, October 29, 2010

Zombie Love


Nothing Ever Stays The Same, Nothing Ever Changes

I'm waiting. I've BEEN waiting. To be honest I can't remember a time when I wasn't. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting for what? Is it for one thing or has the thing I've been waiting for changed over time? To be honest I don't think I ever really knew wtf  I was even waiting for. I just knew that I. was. waiting. How totally messed up is that? I'm tired of waiting. I don't think I'm gonna do it anymore.


Lena Hoschek Spring/Summer 2011

Generally I adore Lena Hoschek's design aesthetic. This collection was really just so, so for me. Don't get me wrong it doesn't suck or anything. I've just seen much better from her and honestly a lot of this collection is too familiar. My favorite things are the rubber leggings. Rawr.


Thursday, October 28, 2010

He Said It's Just The End But It Feels Like The Beginning To Me

Things are changing. 
I can feel it in the wind and the rustling leaves, 
Quiet and strange. 
A deviation. 
A transmutation. 
A silent, but tenacious, revolution
Breathing beneath my skin.
 I am standing here waiting, 
Eager to evaporate and be swept away. 
There is nothing holding me to this place, 
No roots beneath my feet. 
Just as everything around me begins to melt away,
 I am already fading slowly,
 Into many tomorrows. 

i wrote this today. 


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010

And Introducing.....The Terrible Twosome

So I thought you might wanna meet us. The author of this blog, moi, and the short person I live with. No joke, he's super little. But sweet. He's learning how to do tricks. Like walking and talking and all sorts of other shenanigans. It's pretty amazing. For the purposes of this here blog we'll call him Trouble. Because he is. I mean that in the nicest, most loving way possible. So, anyway, here we are.......................................................................................
