Sunday, October 31, 2010

Ummmmm.....Yes Please.

I saw this over on gnarlitude, which is a pretty rad blog. You should definitely check it out. They are extra long leggings made by Rick Owens. I LOVE these. LOVE LOVE LOVE! I think I would wear the damn things nearly every day if I had them. Seriously, the possibilities are endless. I do need to say one thing though, that model on the right has a very unfortunate backside. I guess I didn't really NEED to say it but whatever. Also the leggings in question are over $300 smackaroos. No, really. They are. I'm totally serious! I happen to posess some pretty mad sewing skills so I'm gonna have to make myself a pair or four. I think that they will be pretty simple to make, I'm not sure how anyone can justify that price but I suppose it's all for the label. I'll share pics when I make mine!


Sadie Rose said...

i love gnarlitude! thanks for coming over and very sweet. about to peruse your pages now, mama! xo sadie rose

Leora said...

RULING! You should sell me a pair when you start making them. Ha!